Scrapbook pages
This is one of my Great Grandfather's poems that he wrote for his daughter Adda's wedding to Latino Latini. They were published in 1913 in Hoboken New Jersey. They are all written in Italian and are about family.
The page above features, flourishes created from a Tim Holtz die, liquid pearls, rubber stamping in beige ink on the sides and swiped in brown ink, beading, and a flower that I learned how to make on the Moments of Tranquility web site. The poem is Scherzo Famigliare.
This is the second scrapbook page that I did of my Great Grandfather's poems for Adda and Latino Latini in 1913. It is done with two layer of paper-orange background with brown printed paper on top that is torn and inked with orange ink. Emblisment -flower created with crepe paper ribbon, Prima flower and butterfly from TheGilded Bee on Etsy.

Hi all, been a long time since I've posted anything, figure out that I needed a new camera and had to figure out how to take photos of 12 x12 scrapbook pages. I recently got to meet my 4th cousin Bill Wiseman and obtained 500 pages of genealogy for my Mom's side of the family. Anyway this is one of the latest scrapbook pages I've done and did it with a Valentine's day in mind, hope you enjoy it!
about coming to america for my Dad's album
my cousins and aunt Ro's family-from fanily reunion 2011
Poem by my great Grandfather-Giovanni Ceschi, he wrote for his daughter (my great Aunt Adda's marriage to Latino Latini) in 1913
my parents, my brother, and my nieces from Family reunion 2011
This is Elizabeth with out her braces July 2011. So rare to get a photo without a horse! Did this page with Donna Salazar: Itty Bitty Die, Canvas (ATC), glitter, and Carnation die. Did the scrolls from Mandy's inspiration on Girlie Grunge and the ATC for Natasha Aguirre inspiration. Getting better don't u think?
Emily 4th grade photo 2011
Emily at Disney
Christmas 2011 the boots were the deal.
This is my August challenge entry into Girlie Grunge site by Donna Salazar, lots of layers, lots of fun!
The page above features, flourishes created from a Tim Holtz die, liquid pearls, rubber stamping in beige ink on the sides and swiped in brown ink, beading, and a flower that I learned how to make on the Moments of Tranquility web site. The poem is Scherzo Famigliare.
This is the second scrapbook page that I did of my Great Grandfather's poems for Adda and Latino Latini in 1913. It is done with two layer of paper-orange background with brown printed paper on top that is torn and inked with orange ink. Emblisment -flower created with crepe paper ribbon, Prima flower and butterfly from TheGilded Bee on Etsy.
This is the third scrapbook page done of my Great Grandfathers poems written for Adda Ceschi Latini to Latino Latini in 1913. This one is titled Brindisi, done on two piece of paper red and brown printed paper that is torn on the edges, distressed and inked in red. Tim Holtz bird cage die in red with ribbons.
This is a Love Letter to my Aunt Elsie -my Grandmother from 1917, I blieve that is from John Leoncavallo. The layout is somewhat similiar to a page from Natasha Aguirre's Stucco Tutorial page. It is done with three layers of paper- a dark aqua blue and the base that is distressed a light floral aqua sheet that is smaller and is distressed with the Zutter distresser and then a smaller turqoise sheet to off set the letter that has a raised cupid in the corner on it. It is all written in Italian script. In the lower left corner I tucked in a post card from John Leoncavallo (with Italian stamps on it 1917) and his calling card. In the right corner I tucked in a photo of my Grand mother Elsie in her wedding finery. She didn't marry John for some reason and married Salvatori Cudia instead. I like to think that it was her first true love because she keep all his letters for me to discovery. I really like how Natasha used a Dusty Rose fence lazer wood cutout but I used a Martha Stewart Fence punch and (covered over the bats with little turqoise metal roses from theGilded Bee on Etsy!). I also learned from Natasha to do lacing!! LOVE IT! It is in the upper left corner, torn the two bottom layers and used the large Crododile punch to do and used blue glass beading from the Gilded Bee instead of lace. The butterfly on the right corner is from theGildedBee and the turqoise buttons are from Oritodan. Prima flower on left top corrner from Etsy-Hennytj. Rubberstamp of Hummingbird on top and Love stamp on side from Michaels.
Poem by my great Grandfather-Giovanni Ceschi, he wrote for his daughter (my great Aunt Adda's marriage to Latino Latini) in 1913
my parents, my brother, and my nieces from Family reunion 2011
This is Elizabeth with out her braces July 2011. So rare to get a photo without a horse! Did this page with Donna Salazar: Itty Bitty Die, Canvas (ATC), glitter, and Carnation die. Did the scrolls from Mandy's inspiration on Girlie Grunge and the ATC for Natasha Aguirre inspiration. Getting better don't u think?
Emily 4th grade photo 2011
Emily at Disney
Christmas 2011 the boots were the deal.
This is my August challenge entry into Girlie Grunge site by Donna Salazar, lots of layers, lots of fun!